My "AHA" Book Marketing Moments
Post by Doris McCraw aka Angela Raines (C) Doris McCraw When my book, "The Outlaw's Letter" was released I had a built-in audience. This was the second book I'd written with a group of authors in their 'Lockets & Lace' series and the third overall. Therefore, a majority of the marketing was a group effort. Yet, I write slowly and my books need a long shelf life, so what could I do? Fate provided some interesting lessons. The first came from a friend. My friend Dianne, who has an online store: Blanche's Place told me she'd contacted the town of Tin Cup about possibly carrying the book. Talk about an eye-opener. I hadn't thought about people wanting to read a story that took place in their town. However, when I thought about it, the idea made sense. I always include real history in the stories so, why not? The second lesson was something Judith Briles, The Book Shephard has mentioned more than once. What 'pain' does the story I offer...