Drink the tea

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"Drink the tea dear."

How many times had I heard those words. Drink the tea, drink the tea. I was so sick of hearing that.

I can hear you saying, you sick?

Well of course I was sick. Who wouldn't be if you were forced to drink twentycups of the noxious brew a day. I couldn't wait to get out of this prison.

Oh you didn't know I was in prison. Well I am!


Well, all I did was kiss the boy. You know the rest of the story.

You don't? Well I kissed the boy and his girlfriend got upset. Nothing major.

Just upset, why would that put me in prison? Well, she pulled a knife and since I didn't want to be maimed or killed, you know I have my looks to consider, I broke her neck.

You say that would be self defense. That is what I thought, but the judge said since she had put the knife down I really didn't have a reason to kill her. Fat lot he knew.

You want to know the rest of the story? It is nice you are interested.

The rest of the story, well her friends decided to jump me. They also got hurt....badly. You might even say they didn't make it.

So you see, I really hate tea. Perhaps the matron could be convinced to bring me some coffee. I do have some rather persuasive skills. All I have to do is break these shackles.

copywrite by Angela Raines


  1. What a strong-voiced short-short. Good story. I enjoyed reading this story, especially the little shackles note at the end. All a bit like Under The Milk Wood, in the sense of characters on stools across the stage each providing a unique voice. I'm glad you posted this.


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