
Showing posts from March, 2010

Beauty In a Rose

by Angela Raines “Beauty in a rose Fades as the sun rides lower. Time changes nothing.” As I read those words to my dear wife Sheila I hoped her favorite words would comfort her. Even as time and disease had ravaged her body, her mind and eyes held the beauty that had caught my attention so many years ago. Our granddaughter Alicia was standing close by. I know some of our friends who wonder about having one so young experience such things as her grandmothers upcoming demise. Since she had lost her parents when she was five, we felt that to understand how death was not always the end or bad, was a good thing. How do you explain to someone so young that to you their grand mother was the most wonderful, caring and beautiful person in the world? Yes, she was famous for her beauty. The world had clamored for more and more of her. Still she only had eyes for me and her family. Alicia might only remember her grandmother Sheila in the hospital. The hands that rested...